
Toronto, Canada

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Step by Step

Hello Everyone!

So first some thoughts from this week. CALEB PASSED HIS BAPTISMAL INTERVIEW AND IS LOOKING SUPER SOLID FOR THIS SATURDAY!!! YAY! Okay sorry about that but Caleb has such a special place in my heart, Sister Liao and I found him way back in January and now he's finally getting baptized and it's one of the most humbling and amazing feelings/realizations ever. I'm super happy for him and I know that he's ready to be a member of the church. (It's not like he's been coming every week for three months now and knows just about everyone already) So yes that was super crazy exciting.

So let's see Monday I finally broke down and went to the craft store and have been making bracelets for everyone who's allowed to wear them. (Sorry Elders) We've been working really hard with Allen this week and it's kind of funny because he's willing to commit to every single commandment and understands the whys really well for everything except baptism. He's even driving other investigators to church and participating but he's not ready to commit to a church. So we're really trying to focus on the fact that this isn't just a church this is THE church. It's slow going at the moment but we'll get there.

Tuesday we went on exchanges! Sister Moody got pulled away to Spanish work for the day and we took sister Tyler for an adventure as we tried to find out where all the Chinese people were hiding that day because none of them were outside. So that was fun. Sister Chen and I missed our baby though. Also Tuesday we met with a potential named Johnny who also brought his friend Sheldon and so we got two new in one go and that was really cool. The two of them have been meeting together which has been fun but then just yesterday they also brought their third roommate along and so now between three of them and the three of us it's starting to feel like a classroom setting getting a member present out is hard because... that's a lot of people. But we're going to figure something out!

Robin continues to meet with us and continues to be hilarious and adorable. He ran up to us on the street the other day and he had a pink and purple stuffed turtle in his hands when we asked about it he said that he had found it with one of it's flippers ripped off and he had sewn it back together... He was just so proud and wanted to show us and it was adorable! He also might be doing the baptism for Caleb this Saturday which is really cool because they have become really good friends.

So on a less happy note I got sick this week... again. This time in order to get better, I was put on a clear liquid diet for two days. That was really rough but my companions pulled me through it and once it was over I felt a lot better. Also the pizza at the end might have helped... Maybe.

We've been having a lot of fun as a companionship really trying to work on our Chinese even if sister moody wants to learn Chinese with a Chinese accent instead of a Taiwanese accent, which is what she's going to learn anyways because she's being trained by people who have Taiwanese accents. Still, it's a lot of fun to tease her about.

Life is just moving by so fast! I'm never quite sure how to deal with the shock when I realize how long I've been on my mission. Every day just seems to fly by in some way or another and yet in a way it also feels timeless. Things are just going to keep flowing and somewhere along the way God is going to teach us what we need to learn.

I've learned a lot recently and I'm so very grateful for it.

I wish you all the best of weeks!

-Sister Skinner

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