Hello Everyone!
This was another very long week! And I know if I write it out it's going to look even longer! So I'll try and keep things just a tich shorter this week and highlight some of the adventures had, while also trying to set things up for the spiritual building that I saw this week.
So Tuesday we went to lunch with Tina, who got us authentic Taiwanese food and I was only a little worried I might find a bug in my rice but it was still really good! Tuesday it was snowing like crazy and the wind was fierce but we walked around and tracted anyways and then we found a new by the name of Eric! Quietest person I've ever met. But he's sweet and really wants to improve his life so we'll keep going from there!
Wednesday we also had lunch with a member who took us to Cantonese food and the bo lou cha shao bao's are the best things ever! If I could I would eat them for the rest of my life! Chinese bakeries are one of my favorite things, the bread they make is SO good. There's a certain kind that's one of sister Chen's and my favorites the pineapple bread (it doesn't have pineapples in it but it's like flaky and tastey on the top) and this particular pastry has sweet bbq pork on the inside and I just die every time I eat it. It's that good.
Sorry about that in depth description, I'm a bit hungry right now...
Anyways we then dropped by some less actives before heading over to Sister Wei's house to meet with her and Dennis. It honestly was one of the best lessons I've had on my mission. The spirit was so strong and sister Lee was able to really touch their hearts and we found out the reason Dennis wants to get baptized is because my covenants vs ordinances parable with the pancakes made sense to him and now he wants to show God that he's willing to follow him. It was so sweet and I was just so happy for both of them! We're hoping the baptism will be this Sunday so be praying for them!
Thursday was SO COLD! and windy to boot so that was worse! But we went out and dropped by and talked to people and saw one of the biggest dog's I had ever seen in my life. We taught Li Yen who is a member that we thought might be less active but she's not she taught us about the importance of tithing. We also met with Alwin who is still having a hard time realizing that the bible happened like... 2000+ years ago. We're working on that.
Friday was Zone Council! YAY for happy things! We are officially starting up the new missionary schedule and will be moving forward from there! It was a good council on planning and doing our best no matter what. We also taught Cherry that day and she's so smart! We only told her that prayers was a two way communication between her and God and she just connected all the dots right and left. And I'm serious this is a direct quote. "Oh, so prayer is supposed to help me develop a personal relationship with God!" Ding, Ding, Ding! The prize goes to Cherry the wife of James Ding! Exactly!
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