
Toronto, Canada

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Miracles on Sunday

Hello Everyone!

So this week was interesting! I'm going to give you what I wrote to president first and then some so we'll see how this goes.

So Area wise this week was hard! We had seven potential investigator lessons lined up for this week and only two of them actually showed up! And their lessons were on Saturday, which was hard because if felt like every lesson we prepared for bombed us. But through it all sister Deng has been a pull through. I am grateful for her hardworking personality. So Friday we had zone council and it was fabulous! We had a marvelous instruction about prepping members for lessons. And right afterwards we had a lesson with a long time investigator who sister Liao and I actually found three or four months ago, who was just having a really hard time getting to church and when we helped the member understand our goals at the end of the lesson he actually offered our investigator a ride! We were super excited. And then Saturday we had our two potential lessons actually show up and one of them while he did set another appointment currently is in the mentality that God doesn't exist until proven otherwise, which is harder to work with the other lesson was Jian and he was super prepared! He also committed to come to church on Sunday as long as he could get a ride too. Well that same member was more then willing. And so on Sunday we had two investigators at church and they loved it! So much so that they stayed both for the potluck afterwards, a short message from sister Deng and I and another two hours of fireside accumulating to a grand total of 6 1/2 hours of church with a commitment to come next week! It was such a miracle and it helped that there were members at church this week! People for them to talk to and to get to know. It was so much fun.

That was such a miracle. I can't even describe the joy we felt at seeing the two of them there. Some more of the details. We actually told them they could leave after the potluck but in passing I mentioned that I would be giving a short little speech at the meeting and they were all like... 'but can we stay for that too?'

And we were all like... 'Sure!'

So then a returning member showed up and we were all like 'we need to give him a lesson do you want to stay here?'

And the two of them and Tommy (the member who brought them) were all like: 'Nah we want to go to that one too.'

So we were all like... 'okay!'

So they stayed the entire time and the fireside was all about missionary work and how we need to use love to help our investigators and our investigators sat there and listened to all of it fascinated and then committed to come to church next week! It was literally the best thing ever. I think it solved a lot of Caleb's concerns and Jian (Who's brand new) Loved it and really wants to keep coming and they made friends with Tommy and with the returning member (Who also committed to come next week)

When we got home after 12 consecutive hours of meetings we were just so very, very excited! It was a wonderful day with so much hope and light and I know that God has been preparing us for this all week.

This really is His work and His Glory and we're here to do the best we can!

I love you all so much and I hope you all have the best of weeks!
Sister Skinner

PS I'm sorry for the lack of pictures last week I forgot my camera cord!


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