
Toronto, Canada

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Temples and Moving Forward

The ESL crew!  We love them!

Hello Everyone!

So this week was crazy... very crazy. To start with tracting is actually a thing now and we've actually found some success with it. We found a family who seem to be searching for the truth and it's so cool to see their desire to be together as they figure out the gospel. We finished transitioning in between the old and the new programs for ESL and it's been fun working with the groups. What we need now is some more member involvement but that'll come in time. 

We also got the transfer call this week. I was a wreck on Sunday I was so nervous. I think a big part of it was not really knowing where I wanted to be. But when the call finally came. It was sister Penrod leaving. Sister Chen and I will be staying in Mississauga while sister Penrod heads of to English work as a Sister Training Leader.... She's kind of up in the air about it right now, but she's going to do so great. 

I don't know there was so many little things that really changed me this week. I wore jeans on Saturday as we helped paint a house. We had warm sun and cold snow. We celebrated a members birthday and ended up with more food than we can eat in our fridge. We went to the temple and heard from our president the new member of the seventy. There were moments where we laughed together and moments where we all were freaking out. I wish I could describe the spirit felt this week and the joy found in the little moments. The sorrow for people choosing to go the wrong way and the joy at seeing them progress. I feel a bit like I'm in a tunnel carrying a torch I can see light a head and yet there are people around me who can't see that light and it's to them that I need to find. 

I guess in the end it's all about the movement though. We have to keep pressing forward. There's no other way. 

I hope you all know how much I love you. How much I appreciate every single one of you. There's so much to be hopeful for. 

Sister Skinner

The lovely sister Chen! and her rabbit face! She's amazing! 

Sister Liao, and the hermana's that we stayed with
 for my first couple transfers! Plus one but hey!

Nancy and Her cake!

The biggest breakfast plate ever!
 and where we ate after the temple.

And the fabulous sister Penrod and her impression of the
wicked queen with the apples given to us by members.

And then more apples!

1 comment:

  1. Sister Skinner I enjoyed your update this week. I especially loved your closing comments in that it's about movement and we all have to keep moving forward, there is no other way. Very powerful.
