
Toronto, Canada

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Callings and Conference

Hello Everyone!

So the biggest news of this week is that our mission president got called to serve as a seventy! It was a serious moment of shock when we heard his name called and realized that our president was in Utah... getting set apart as a seventy. That had the whole mission in a buzz (we still are a bit up in the air right now actually) So yes, he'll stay as our mission president until July and then a new president, president Shields, will be taking over. It's kind of bitter sweet, at least in our apartment we all thought president was going to be around all the way to the end of our missions. Still it's also humbling to realize that I've personally been helped so much by president and that he is now going on to help even more people. 

Anyways this week seemed just to fly by! (I think that happens when P-day isn't on it's normal day.) But there were so many good things that happened this week and Conference was definitely the highlight of it all! (Also as a side note I haven't had the chance to listen to priesthood session but all the elders the next said it was very good and that president Uchtdorf mentioned Chewbacca from the podium... does that mean the leaders of the church are Star Wars fans too?) We were so blessed at conference and every single one of our investigators watched at least one session! It was so very good, and we were able to see the growth in the people around us. Brother Tian seemed so very touched and Chong said that he already knew that President Monson is a prophet of God. It was a day full of miracles. 

Besides that we also went on exchanges this week. Taught a lot of people and cleaned the apartment quiet a bit. Sister Penrod and Sister Chen help me so much it's hard to describe how grateful I am for them. I've grown a lot with the two of them as my companions and I'm so very grateful for them. 

I don't have too much to say this week but I do want you all to know that I know God lives and He loves us so very much. He gives us exactly what we need and when we need it. We can have what we want or we can have something better. God will mold us when we let Him and Though things change day by day that just means we have the opportunity to be better today then we were yesterday. 

I love you all. 

-Sister Skinner

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