
Toronto, Canada

Monday, October 10, 2016

Mondays and Conference

Hello Everyone!

So Most importantly Conference was AMAZING! loved it to pieces even watching a session and a half in mandarin turned out okay because the spirit was just that strong! That being said Allen, Caleb, and Robin all loved it! And I could just tell they were kind of teasing us when they insisted. Oh we can talk about it next time we meet... and I was just like... "TELL US WHAT YOU THINK NOW!" But then I was really like. "Okay we're looking forward to it." They were totally laughing at sister Moody's and my expressions.

So I feel like a crazy amount of stuff happened this week and I'm not even sure where to start.... First of all sister Chen didn't leave until Friday, that was a blessing though, her new companion didn't have her international drivers permit up to date and since sister Chen couldn't drive either they told her to hang tight until the permit came in, which it did on Thursday but since the Conference temple trip was on Friday that was when the switch happened. So we actually spent most of the week with sister Chen and then we had the temple, and Saturday and Sunday conferences so we haven't actually had a chance to see how our Chinese is going to hold up in the real world so... Wish us luck and keep praying! We're going to need it. 

So we had some good meetings this week though and we almost found new investigators but they weren't able to set a solid return appointment so we're going to try again at the end of this first week. And of course Allen, Caleb, and Robin are all doing fantastically well. 

Things that also happened just this morning. We woke up with water in our basement and had to call our land lord who called a plumber, we had to set another car inspection appointment because the breaks are making weird sounds again, our oldest new convert who hasn't really been responding to us out of the blue called us and asked us to come help her move her stuff, so we did, and to top it all off we got a referral text from a member who invited his Chinese friend to come to FHE tonight. I feel like we've been through a whole day already and it's not even noon yet!

Sorry my brain is kind of scattered today but I do want to end this with my testimony of living prophets an apostles. They're words are sacred because they come from God, the power of the atonement is real, there is a life after death and no matter how hard things may seem right now that just means there is something infinitely better ahead of you. God lives, He loves, And He will take care of you, just put your trust in Him. Everything will work for your good. 

I love you all, 
Sister Skinner


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