
Toronto, Canada

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Thanksgiving and Grace

Hello Everyone and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

I'm not sure where to start with this week but we did have our Skill's and interviews on Tuesday and that was really great. I love having time to just sit down and talk to president. The leadership of the church is just so inspired it's impossible for me to deny the love that all the leaders from President Monson on down to all of the amazing district leaders I've had in the mission. There is just so much love that comes from being able to serve someone through leadership.

President and I talked a bit about the language and how that's going and sister Moody and I have been working hard at trying to be the best we can be but we still have miss understanding with the people around us sometimes... A lot of the time...  but that's okay! My testimony of God making up the rest has really strengthened and we've been blessed to have some really great new converts who want to help us in any and every way that they can. Caleb and Robin and just about the sweetest people I've ever met and I'm so grateful for them.

So in the later parts of this week we had a big push to go and make sure that all the information on the ward list was accurate so that meant that we spent a good portion of time on Saturday and Monday running around Kitchener-Waterloo looking for less actives who may or may not be back in China. It was so much fun and while we're still not done we're going to exhaust every possible method we have of contacting them before we mark them down!

As usual Sunday was the day of miracles. TANGIER CAME TO CHURCH AGAIN! I've been so worried about him but he's just been taking 8 super difficult college courses and only just got his phone back in working order so he was just like... Yah I can see you on Wednesday and I was just like... YAY! Caleb and Robin did they're home teaching this week and they really enjoyed it too. It helps that Scott the elder's quorum president is taking really good care of both of them. All three of them are taking really good care of us too. When Scott realized that sister Moody and I were planning on staying at the church for a grand total of 12 hours on Sunday with only PB&J as our 'pre-thanksgiving' dinner after he and Caleb finished they're home teaching they picked up some left over pizza from Scott's house and brought it to us at the church and it was the sweetest thing ever with Caleb just sitting there describing how much he had enjoyed the priesthood lesson that day and how Scott and Tommy had just gone to give a blessing and he and Robin had been able to watch and I was just melting on the inside. Best pre-thanksgiving meal ever! (I didn't actually know that that was a thing but it kind of was...)

So Monday was the actual thanksgiving day and we were running all over looking for these people and it was great! And then for the night president and sister Dixon had us and the YSA Elders over for dinner and it was so good! I've served a long time here in Kitchener and the Dixon's have always really taken care of me for which I will forever be grateful for. 

There were other miracles and obstacles that happened this week but really God is looking out for us always and he just wants to us to be happy. Just like President Neilson said we can choose to be happy and in that way we are choosing God.

I love you all so much and I hope you are all having a wonderful week!

-Sister Skinner 



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