
Toronto, Canada

Monday, February 22, 2016

Let Us All Press On!

Hello Everyone!

So, TANGIER GOT BAPTIZED THIS WEEK!!!! We were so excited he was excited too and it was such a great experience to watch him and Roy (The elder's investigator) get baptized. They both bore beautiful testimonies and then watching them the next day get confirmed with such joy and happiness on their faces was the best thing. I feel so happy for them. I have loved seeing Tangier progress and seeing him really interact with all the members and people is wonderful.

We had a lot of success this week teaching members and working on the street. There were a lot of people who wanted to meet with us but didn't have time right then and there. Every time we went out we found someone willing to talk to us and that was such a blessing. It was also reading week and so everyone had a little bit more free time so we got to meet with Tangier and the rest of the people who didn't go on vacation....

We also celebrated one of the members birthdays which was a lot of fun. Cheryl goes with us to many of our lessons and helps us get investigators to church. So we tried to do something really nice for her. Somehow she managed to pay for the dinner we took her to though so I'm not sure if that quiet worked out like we thought it would.

Sister Liao and I really felt a lot of spiritual power this week too which was such a blessing. Working with others and teaching to the best of our abilities we saw a lot of success and progress. An investigator by the name of Caleb that we hadn't been able to meet with for two weeks came to our next lesson with him having read almost all of 1 Nephi and he was a totally different person. He wanted to know more about the plan of Salvation, he asked how the atonement works, he actually smiled during the lesson. It was amazing!

We also got to go to the temple this week for the first time. We had a wonderful experience and it was such a blessing to go and to see missionaries we had known previously and to feel the presence of the Lord. It was a very long drive but it was worth it.

So with all the success we had this week, all the joy and the lessons learned and taught, of course that meant that we're too comfortable with how things are so last night we got the call. Sister Liao and I are both being transferred away. She's going to Bayview and I'm going to Mississauga I'll have new companions tomorrow. Sister Penrod and Sister Chen (For all the MTC crowd it was fun to see her again this week at the temple.) I'm not sure if I've mentioned this but there is a grand total of 5 Chinese sisters in the Canada Toronto mission and so with sisters in Bayview and Mississauga that means there are elders coming to our area. For some reason all the members are really disappointed. I just kind of laughed when Jin called us just to scream NOOOOO! into the phone and then hang up.

I'm really going to miss sister Liao she and I have become really good friends and I've learned a lot from her both about being brave and about being kind. I hope I'll get to see her again while on my mission. She's been transferred or moved every transfer of her mission and so she's been preparing to leave all week. I was more stubborn but that'll be okay. When I told her I would miss her she just shrugged and said. 'I'll see you again. If not on the mission then I'll visit you afterwards to watch Start Wars together." ....This post mission Star Wars party is going to be a big one and I'm really excited. You're all invited! Ha! I guess we're all dreamers in the end.

Still spiritually I've felt like I've really grown this week. I made a mistake in a lesson but I was able to make it better still I was beating myself up for it for a while but after some words from sister Liao and a nudging from the spirit I was able to pray and the peace and the gentle. "You are on my errand. I will make it all okay." was one of most comforting things I've ever felt. We have so much to learn and so many ways that we can share and grow. I've got some more packing and cleaning today and I'm sad I have to take all my pictures down just after I put them all up but I'm so very grateful that I'll get to have them with me for the rest of my mission. So thank you all so much for your support and your prayers and your faith. I wouldn't be able to make it with out you. God really will pull us through everything and I'm so very grateful for His love and His spirit. We will go though this life together. Even if we're just on the same planet we'll grow just from our faith in each other.

God be with you all!

-Sister Skinner



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