Hello Everyone!
I'm really not sure where to start this letter. There were things that happened this week that were good, we went on exchanges, we taught lessons, we visited the sick and the afflicted, we prayed and prayed and prayed, but I felt like I was just walking through fog for most of this week.
It's funny how when we get tired things just matter less but at the same time the more immersed we become in the work of the Lord the more alive we feel. I walked on the edge of life and existence this week back and forth trying to figure out the purpose of why, and where, and how, and who. There are so many people who need love and understanding and a hand of comfort and this is the time and the place that God has given us to be his representatives. Yet there are days where I feel like I will never live up to my full potential as a missionary or even as a person. Where do we start when we feel like we can't even move? The answers to all of this have come gradually because while it's so easy to fall, it's much slower to stand back up.
But we do it anyways.
We stand up and we try again and again and somewhere along the way things start to become better, not because our circumstances are better but because we are. Conversion isn't something that you do because you're supposed to, it's something you do because you WANT to. Look at that word 'want' and really think. What do you want? How are you going to get there? Who is your decisions going to affect?
I found out this week that this life is more about choosing right from wrong it's about who you will become.
We're all standing on the edge of eternity and God is reaching out and begging us to just keep trying! It's so much less about where you are now but where you plan to be. And Even if you don't make it right away you WILL MAKE IT! Please! BELIEVE GOD when He says He wants everyone to come home. I don't care who you were, but about who you can be! This gospel changes people and yet so many times we don't see it because we can only see the now! Just look!
I forgot to look this week, I failed, I hit the wall over and over again, but do you know what answer I got? Get up and try again! He didn't send me here to fail or to sleep or to hurt. He didn't even send me here to learn, He sent me here to become more like His Son.
To have joy, to serve, to grow, to live! To be like God!
Not just for missions, not just for church callings, but for life!
Doesn't that just make you want to be better? Doesn't that just make you want to try a little bit harder!
If your answer is sometimes that's okay too.
Because mine is sometimes a lot.
But God can fix that too.
We just have to try again.
And again,
And again,
I love you all, You are the reason I'm out here, because I want to see you all in the celestial kingdom someday, we'll get there because we tried to get there. So go out and figure out what it is you really WANT because God will give it to you.
You just got to keep trying.
-Sister Skinner
Sorry I didn't write about our trip [to see the sky tower] but we're going again today this time to see the Aquarium so that'll be fun! Things really were good this week. Everyday's an adventure! Sleeping on the floor, and running all over Toronto, and doing surprise service! And wind... lots of it!