
Toronto, Canada

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Keep On!

Hello Everyone!

So Thoughts for this week. It was amazing! MIRACLES! and pain but mostly MIRACLES! 

Tuesday... I don't actually remember much of Tuesday because it was P-day and I'm always a little scattered after p-day but we did go out and talk to people and set up a lesson with Alwin! That one guy from a couple of weeks ago who actually has a Christian background, he's actually really cool. He's very busy though so we'll keep working slowly with him!

Wednesday we traveled to Weston to get sister Chen's teeth checked out and found out she is Cavity free! She just needs to brush more. It was a long travel but it was fun we talked to people and saw a deer. We then had a dinner with Iris! Paul's friend who is now an investigator and who loved Church this week! She's really cool and honestly so sweet! After dinner we talked for a long time about the Joseph Smith story. Afterwards we traveled to meet with Alwin who gave us even more Christmas Chocolate! (So much chocolate... so much) Anyways Alwin really likes his church but he likes meeting with us too and he was so excited to get that book of Mormon so hopefully his experience with that book with really change things for him. 

Thursday we walked to a formers house and accidentally pocket called the Elders while contacting giving them the opportunity to compliment us on our OYMing strategies we were super confused until they texted us and told us what had happened. HA! We stopped by her house and she didn't answer so we kept on walking and talking and generally having a great time. We also taught brother Wu that night also a really good lesson. 

Friday we kept up our walking and talking by dropping by Less actives. My GPS was our map of choice and we kept going in circles! But that was a blessing the miracles came when we just kept going. While we were knocking on doors we were let in by a lady named Alice, we taught her the plan of salvation and she invited us back. It was amazing to see her eyes as we taught the interest and the guarded wonder. Miracles do happen, you just got to keep going. After this experience we went to go do service at a members house and then have dinner afterwards. It was a wonderful day. 

Saturday was New Years Eve and President wanted us in by 6 o'clock. So we started our day by going to lunch with a member who took us to Mongolian Grill... I just about died it was so good. She was looking for ways that she could help her son who recently left on his mission and talking about how it really was going to get easier for him made me realize that things really have gotten easier for me too. Maybe not easier in the way the world sees it but I'm so much stronger and can handle the challenges God has placed before me. He really does see us as we can be not as we are right now. Afterwards we went to be interviewed by president, it's always fun to see him and we talked about how to keep moving forward with faith. Afterwards as we headed back to do our weekly planning we were both just so happy to be here in Canada. So we were almost done with planning when we got a text from the Richmond Hill sisters saying "we'll be there about 8:30 :)" and we were all like... Uhhh What? "... are you staying with us tonight?" and they were! They got locked out of their apartment and since their landlord was out for the night they were stuck! So we opened our doors found extra tooth brushes and had another sleep over! Don't worry they were so tired from being locked out for two hours and we were so tired that everyone was asleep by 10:30...

Oh! I almost forgot we found a bread maker in our apartment and I made bread! Or something edible I did not have a formal recipe and when we called bishops wife for one she told it to sister Chen in Chinese who wrote it down in pictures because she didn't know the difference between a tablespoon and a teaspoon. Needless to say, when she told me I needed half a cup of salt I stopped trying to read the instructions and just went for it! (only a tablespoon of salt and that might have been too much!) That being said if you have any bread maker recipes we'll take them!

Sunday was the NEW YEAR and both my mom and sister Chen's mom's birthday! So shout out to all those amazing missionary moms! Especially mine because she is amazing and such a joy!

Sunday sister Chen got bit by a members dog, I got sick and our dinner appointment where both things happened was on the other side of the city and the member driving us home got lost! It was fantastic and Sister Chen and I slept really well that night. But Church was awesome as usual! Sacrament really makes everything better.

Monday was another day of miracles, we dropped by Alice again and taught the restoration, and it was so good! Even if we did end up standing for the whole lesson HA! I was still feeling a bit under the weather but we kept on going! That night I decided to make Tuna helper because we finally ran out of leftovers! I was so excited because until last week I didn't think they had tuna helper in Canada! However while making in and putting the boiling water into the cup I spilled it on my hand and now I've got a couple of little blisters on my fingers to show for my cooking efforts. We had a lessons afterwards with a part member family who also asked us to teach English so we stopped by the local shoppers got some burn cream and kept on working. Or at least sister Chen did and I did my best to smile and not to cry. But it was a great lesson, two weeks ago Hong and Nie called the bishop and told him that they had recently moved (and gotten married and wanted to try coming to church) Hong is a member and Nie is so sweet! She was so interested in every part of the restoration and was so excited to pray. Miracles I tell you Miracles!

Anyways, things are looking up for the area! We need to keep going and keep trying and God really will make up all the difference. I know it!

I love you all so much!


Make it the best you can!

-Sister Skinner

The bread maker, the bite, sister Chen's new kettle that I got the boiling water from, and snow.


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