
Toronto, Canada

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Just Keep Swimming!

Hello Everyone!
So I got some mixed responses from last week's email. I do want to tell you all that I am doing okay! Life is still good and trials are really what build our faith anyways and bother Jenkins told me once that he was praying for me to have more trials so I guess that just shows you the power of prayer right? HA!
All joking aside I really am just so deeply grateful I don't know how to really express the feelings that have come about these last few days but I would never trade my mission for anything. Trails, tears, moments of pain, sickness, rejection, over and over and over again. And also joy! Beyond anything I have ever felt before! We had a lesson in Gospel principles this week about God and his Nature and about believing in Him, and I felt so touched because yah! He is there and He is looking out for us and for every trail He will pull us through.
So this week started with confusion and so many people leaving for Chinese new year, so there goes like half our teaching pool but that's okay sister Chen and I really need to work more on finding new anyways. We've gotten a little bit lazy about bus contacting just because it's so easy just to relax for those few minutes of sitting down but we've got a new determination to talk to people! We'll see how long we can keep this one up!
Let's see big things that happened this week, sister Chen got a call to ask her what airport she wanted to return to and both she and I started freaking out because... WHAT? THIS IS GOING BY SO FAST!?! This week has been a week of fighting off the trunky! We have been semi successful! Kind of... We'll keep working on that. We keep joking that if president makes the mistake of putting sister Chen, sister Deng, and I together again we are just going to die of trunkiness! Because we're all dying at the same time!
Oh, and Tuesday sister Chen saw a mouse so we called the superintendent. He came in took a look around got some mouse traps and then found some cockroaches too and now we're hoping sometime in the next week the exterminator will come! YAY! So excited! He also gave us some cleaning tips and so we cleaned... and threw out like 6 bags of expired food! So grateful!

A miracle that happened on Saturday happened when we were dropping by less actives and we had to walk like 20 minutes to get to one house only to find that they weren't there. So we turned around and looked at the long street we had just walked down and then at our watches and realized we had like... half an hour before coordination and sister Chen sighed and said: I really wish we could get a ride. And I kid you not 30 seconds later Brother and Sister Lee drive up on their way to drop off a gift to a member. Literal angels! We barely made it to the church on time but we did make it! and it was just such a great example of how God does help fill our needs.
My studies this week have been based all around that actually, how God answers our prayers. It's always so much fun to see how He'll answer us next! Miracles come by faith! So keep believing!
Something else... we went to the aquarium with the sisters last week you are all about to get picture overloaded!

Anyways, I love you all and I hope you all can feel the spirit of God working in your lives because I can promise you that it's there!
-Sister Skinner


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