
Toronto, Canada

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Active and Moving Forward

Hi Everyone!

So sister Chen and I are planning on going to the CN Tower in the snow today so I'm going to try and keep this one a little bit shorter but with my track record we'll see! But it was a good week. The spirit is so strong sometimes and I'm so very grateful for every moment I have on the mission!

So Tuesday after p-day we had a lesson with Cherry and James the LA part member family with the smiling/spoiled/adorable 18 month old daughter. They fed us fried pea pods that were really, really good. The things that I've just gotten used to eating on the mission are far and wide but I still can't handle the texture of Chicken feet so sorry about that! Pig's blood, sure, the many parts and types of animals, why not? But Chicken feet? Sorry I can't do it! Mind you they got the fried/baked pea pods at Costco so maybe I found my new favorite treat after the mission.

On a more serious note, on Tuesday we found out that there had been a really bad car crash involving members in our ward and in our YSA, Daniel, the oldest son of the Lee family is doing mostly all right though he is still in the hospital with cracked and broken ribs, but from the other ward, Dante is still in a coma and the doctors are still uncertain. Because of that we've spent many days on and off this week trying to serve the families the best we can and praying constantly for them. I've seen so much faith from everyone throughout all of this. It's been so inspiring. The families still came to church on Sunday and still served in their callings and then went back to the hospital as soon as the services were over and their testimonies were just so beautiful, I'll talk more about that when we reach Sunday.

So like... a month ago I mentioned super briefly that our new convert's mom (WeiXin) wanted to get baptized the reason you've had no updates on them since then is that they went on vacation for three weeks! But they finally came back this week and she didn't drink coffee for that whole vacation! So proud! Anyways, we met with her on Wednesday and she told us she wants to get baptized with her other son, Dennis who is 11 and who has a miracle story behind him too. But I'll try and get to that one later. So she's totally ready to get baptized and Dennis is not yet, He still needs all the lessons and we're working on that! So right now we're tentatively scheduled for the 21st but that might change to the 28 depending on how things go! Still it's been a lot of fun meeting with them and teaching such a prepared family! Also on Wednesday sister Chen and I almost got blown away by the wind it was crazy strong!

Thursday we dropped by Alice again and taught her a very short lesson but it was still really good, we taught Dennis and WeiXin everyday this week so I'll just leave it at that, We taught an active member lesson and then met with Alwin, who asked, (in Chinese so I didn't quiet catch the entire meaning) the prophets who were in Egypt had their words added to the bible so why didn't the prophets in the America's have their words added to the bible? I totally thought I had miss heard him and sister Chen was just like '...' And then she was like. "Because America is really far away." and I was like. "See look at my quad we do have it added to the bible!" It was a fun lesson. 

Friday was Zone Council and that's always fun, we got one of the best mini instructions of my life, the Farsi Elders (Who I have crazy respect for as the MTC doesn't teach Farsi they are basically thrown into the field and told. "Good luck go learn it!" There is also currently four of them and they cover the entire mission so occasionally they show up late to things and be like sorry we were in Kitchener. And the rest of us are like... that's two hours away! Anyways, they are so much fun because the crazier your life is the more stories you have to tell. So they did an instruction on listening to the spirit and it was pretty normal and then they said they were going to do a role play about helping the investigator listen to the spirit and they sat down and started this role play and suddenly music starts playing and we get a wonderful lyric changed version of 'Mother Knows Best' from Tangled but it was "Spirit Knows Best" It was fabulous and I wish I had gotten all of it on camera but I only got a little bit. All in all it was a really good conference. We also did a lot of walking that day. 

Saturday we helped host/set up a wedding for another part member family. They were super sweet! And it was fun! We met with potentials who tried to teach me bad words in Chinese, and then we did weekly planning! We also had coordination and I almost fell asleep in the shower. 

Sunday as usual was fabulous the fast and testimony meeting was just so powerful. The words and the thoughts shared worked out really well and I was so happy just to listen and soak it all in. There is such power in trials and in trusting God. He's blessed the people here so much and He keeps blessing us all everyday. On Saturday I wasn't even sure if we were going to be able to get everything done and ready for Sunday and then when the day came we had 5 investigators at church and they all loved it. God is a God of miracles and if you have stopped seeing miracles it's because your faith has stopped as well. Don't ever stop believing. He's waiting right there to bless you and He does it every day. Faith is just opening your spiritual eyes and realizing how blessed we really are. 

I love you all so much and I pray that you will all have a safe week!

-Sister Skinner

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